
Stay up-to-date with the latest news and ideas in the fields of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine, Geriatric Dentistry, Oral Pathology and Radiology, Pain Medicine and Pain Science, and Community Oral Health.

Oral Pathology of Oral Pharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma & HPV

Oral Pathology of Oral Pharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma & HPV

OPSCC in HPV Positive vs. HPV Negative Patients You have oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma that is still related to smoking and drinking. Because there is less male smoking and more female smoking it is evening out the incidence of squamous cell carcinoma in the...

Oral Pathology of Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Oral Pathology of Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

In contrast to Traumatic Ulcerative Granuloma with Stromal Eosinophilia, these lesions are squamous cell carcinomas of the tongue. They can look similar, but squamous cell carcinomas are a bit more involved. Don't have time to read this article? We get it. Download...

Oral Pathology of Traumatic Ulcerative Granuloma and TUGSE

Oral Pathology of Traumatic Ulcerative Granuloma and TUGSE

In this article we'll review pictures from a patient that had a dental procedure and then a few days later noticed concerning ulcerations on their lip resulting from post-operative trauma. Don't have time to read this article? We get it. Download the Diagnosing...

Oral Pathology of Aphthous Stomatitis and Crohn’s Disease

Oral Pathology of Aphthous Stomatitis and Crohn’s Disease

Sometimes patients will present with recurrent ulcerations of the oral cavity, and the frequency and severity are alarming. When this occurs you have to start thinking of factors that might cause these alterations. Don't have time to read this article? We get it....

Aphthous Stomatitis: Treatment, Diagnosis, and Clinical Pictures

Aphthous Stomatitis: Treatment, Diagnosis, and Clinical Pictures

In this blog, we will teach you how to diagnose and treat Aphthous Stomatitis and its' three main subtypes: minor, major, and herpetiform aphthae. Don't have time to read this article? We get it. Download the Diagnosing Vesicular Ulcerative Conditions checklist to get...

Oral Pathology of Secondary (Recurrent) Herpetic Eruptions

Oral Pathology of Secondary (Recurrent) Herpetic Eruptions

This can be understood as the migration of virus from ganglion to surface along the course of sensory nerves. Upon reaching the surface the herpes virus infects epithelial cells and reproduces. Secondary or recurrent herpes is something that most of us are familiar...

Understanding Oral Herpes: Primary Herpetic Gingivostomatitis

Understanding Oral Herpes: Primary Herpetic Gingivostomatitis

There are many different types of herpes virus. Additionally, you have your Zoster Virus, Epstein-barr virus associated with mononucleosis, and some lymphomas. You've got Cytomegalovirus, again mono-like syndrome, Roseola which is associated with Heck's disease, and...

What is Erythema Multiforme and the EM-TEN Spectrum?

What is Erythema Multiforme and the EM-TEN Spectrum?

Erythema multiforme is a mucocutaneous condition that can cause lesions of the mucous membranes and the skin. Here is how to diagnose and treat Erythema Multiforme and the EM-TEN Spectrum. Don't have time to read this article? We get it. Download the Diagnosing...

Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid Pictures, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid Pictures, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Something very similar to Pemphigus Vulgaris is Pemphigoid. Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid is a chronic autoimmune mucocutaneous vesiculobullous disease where autoantibodies target components of the basement membrane. Don't have time to read this article? We get it....

Pemphigus Vulgaris: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prognosis

Pemphigus Vulgaris: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prognosis

What is Pemphigus Vulgaris? Don't have time to read this article? We get it. Download the Diagnosing Vesicular Ulcerative Conditions checklist to get the key information and images from this article plus all the other conditions we cover in the Dentist's Guide to Oral...

Relieving Migraine Headache Pain with Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation

Relieving Migraine Headache Pain with Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation

If you suffer from migraine headaches, you are not alone. In fact, the National Institutes of Health reports that around 12 percent of the U.S. population gets them. Migraine headaches are recurring attacks of pain that people experience which range from moderate...

What is the difference between a vesicle and an oral ulcer?

What is the difference between a vesicle and an oral ulcer?

We are going to review the differences between vesicles and ulcerations, two types of lesions found in an oral cavity. If you look at this oral mucosa decision tree for oral lesions, many of these lesions are classified as vesiculobullous or vesicular...

Geriatric Dentistry: Understanding the Role of Saliva

Geriatric Dentistry: Understanding the Role of Saliva

Saliva, its Function and Benefits Saliva provides important protection to the teeth and the tissues of the mouth due to its cleansing, lubricating and antimicrobial properties [11], [12]; promotion of remineralization of the teeth; transport of digestive enzymes; and...

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