
Stay up-to-date with the latest news and ideas in the fields of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine, Geriatric Dentistry, Oral Pathology and Radiology, Pain Medicine and Pain Science, and Community Oral Health.

Oral Laser Ablation Surgery: Step-by-Step Guide for Dentists

Oral Laser Ablation Surgery: Step-by-Step Guide for Dentists

What is a laser? Lasers are an intense, high energy, coherent (travels in a constant phase in time and space), monochromatic (a single wavelength particular to the medium), and collimated (travels in the same direction) electromagnetic radiation that is produced by a...

Step-by-Step Instructions for Performing Oral Cryotherapy

Step-by-Step Instructions for Performing Oral Cryotherapy

Oral Cryotherapy Oral cryotherapy is a very safe, easy to perform, and relatively inexpensive treatment for various selected oral lesions.  You should never perform cryotherapy unless you know the diagnosis of the lesion you to freeze. HPV is associated with...

How to Perform a Jaw Bone Biopsy

How to Perform a Jaw Bone Biopsy

What is a jaw bone biopsy? When you use the term “bone biopsy,” this could mean you are taking a piece of bone or you are taking tissue that resides inside a bone. There are two approaches for a bone biopsy.  A closed/needle bone biopsy involves inserting a...

Acupuncture May Help Alleviate Osteoarthritis Pain

Acupuncture May Help Alleviate Osteoarthritis Pain

This article was originally published on Confronting Chronic Pain by Dr. Steven Richeimer, Director Pain Medicine Master and Certificate. New research emerged regarding the use of acupuncture to help with chronic pain caused by osteoarthritis. The information shared...

How to Perform an Oral Cyst Aspiration and Cytologic Smear

How to Perform an Oral Cyst Aspiration and Cytologic Smear

Cyst Aspiration A cyst is a membranous sac or cavity of abnormal character containing fluid. Indications for an Oral Cyst Aspiration For a jaw bone cyst lesion or any large soft tissue oral mucogingival cyst, aspirate the cyst aspiration.  To help diagnosis of...

Vitamin D Levels May Affect Chronic Neuromuscular Pain

Vitamin D Levels May Affect Chronic Neuromuscular Pain

This article was originally published on Confronting Chronic Pain by Dr. Steven Richeimer, Director Pain Medicine Master and Certificate. Many people suffer from what is referred to as non-specific neuromuscular pain.  They are in pain but can’t pinpoint a specific...

Minor Salivary Gland Biopsy for Diagnosing Sjogren’s Syndrome

Minor Salivary Gland Biopsy for Diagnosing Sjogren’s Syndrome

Minor Salivary Gland (MSG) Biopsy Minor salivary gland (MSG) biopsy of the lower lip mucosa is used to confirm the diagnosis of Sjogren’s syndrome.  Sjogren’s is a chronic autoimmune disorder involving the destruction of glandular tissue. Sjögren's syndrome can cause...

How to Conduct an Oral Cavity Punch Biopsy

How to Conduct an Oral Cavity Punch Biopsy

What is a punch biopsy? An oral cavity punch biopsy is considered the primary technique to obtain diagnostic, full thickness skin specimens.  It is performed using a circular blade or trephine attached to a pencil-like handle.  The instrument is rotated down through...

How to Perform an Oral Biopsy

How to Perform an Oral Biopsy

A biopsy is defined as the sampling or removal of tissues or liquids from the body for examination, in order to determine the existence or cause of a disease.  A biopsy is strongly recommended for most of the lesions that persist for more than two weeks which...

An Intersectional Approach to Treating Chronic Pain

An Intersectional Approach to Treating Chronic Pain

The medical records of chronic pain patients generally identify patient demographics including race, age, gender, or employment.  Sometimes, the patient’s gender orientation status is also included. Except for racial/ethnic-specific reference intervals for laboratory...

COVID-19’s Impact on Homeless Populations in Los Angeles

COVID-19’s Impact on Homeless Populations in Los Angeles

As COVID-19 continues to threaten communities across the world, the homeless population is facing a "crisis in a crisis."  Below is a presentation I've put together on the state of homelessness in Los Angeles, the impact COVID-19 has had on this population, and a few...

COVID-19’s Impact on Nursing Home Residents

COVID-19’s Impact on Nursing Home Residents

Today we're talking about COVID-19's impact on nursing home residents that goes beyond what you might have heard in the news.  Please find the recorded lecture, the PowerPoint presentation, and a formatted transcription of the lecture below. Don't have time to read...

Dental Hygiene Tips During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Dental Hygiene Tips During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Keeping good oral health during the pandemic is not only important, but a critical message that must be adopted in every community.  Read on to discover dental hygiene tips to stay healthy during the pandemic, and for caring for a COVID-19 positive patient. Don't have...

Trigger Point Mapping: Theory & Step-by-Step Technique

Trigger Point Mapping: Theory & Step-by-Step Technique

What is a trigger point? A trigger point is due to sensitized sensory nerves within a taut band of a muscle that when squeezed generates local and referred pain. The cause of a taut band is a hyperactive motor nerve branch, which generates sustained contraction in the...

How to Support Geriatric Patients with Dementia and COVID-19

How to Support Geriatric Patients with Dementia and COVID-19

This content was originally presented during the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC's 2020 Geriatric Boot Camp.  The original presentation can be found below, as well as an adapted write-up of what we covered in our session. Don't have time to read the full...

How to Administer a Gingival Cold Test

How to Administer a Gingival Cold Test

This test is utilized when you have a focal, intraoral, probable neuropathic pain disorder involving a branch of the trigeminal nerve with palpable gingival allodynia/hyperalgesia and no obvious, local dental pathology exists such as tooth fractures, periapical...

Post-Amputation Pain Management: New Research & Treatments

Post-Amputation Pain Management: New Research & Treatments

This article was originally published on Confronting Chronic Pain by Dr. Steven Richeimer, Director Pain Medicine Master and Certificate. According to the Amputee Coalition, there are nearly 2 million people in the U.S. who are living with limb loss.  What many people...

How to Perform a TMJ Injection

How to Perform a TMJ Injection

TMJ injections are performed with corticosteroid and anesthetic to produce a two-fold effect: one reduce inflammation with the corticosteroid (triamcinolone acetonide) and two produce anesthesia or pain relief using lidocaine 2% without epinephrine. ...

How Does Chronic Pain Impact Adolescents in School?

How Does Chronic Pain Impact Adolescents in School?

This article was originally published on Confronting Chronic Pain by Dr. Steven Richeimer, Director Pain Medicine Master and Certificate. Millions of people around the U.S. suffer from chronic pain.  Adults have more control over their pain management regarding...

How to Measure Orofacial Pain With a Muscle Tenderness Exam

How to Measure Orofacial Pain With a Muscle Tenderness Exam

In this article, we review ways to assess muscle tenderness and pain.  Common abnormalities of the masticatory muscle include injection induced myositis, myofascial taut band, trigger point, hypertrophy, spasms, etc. Note: Prior to each procedure, introduce...

Does Emotional Approach Coping Ease Chronic Pain?

Does Emotional Approach Coping Ease Chronic Pain?

This article was originally published on Confronting Chronic Pain by Dr. Steven Richeimer, Director Pain Medicine Master and Certificate. It’s widely understood that those who experience chronic pain have a higher rate of depression. The pain can overtake your life...

How to Perform an Agar Slant Culture Test for Fungal Infections

How to Perform an Agar Slant Culture Test for Fungal Infections

The Sabouraud Agar Slant Culture test is used when fungal overgrowth of the oral tissues is suspected, and is used to confirm the diagnosis of a fungal infection.  Other adjunctive methods for the diagnosis of oral candidiasis include exfoliative cytology using...

Treating Chronic Low Back Pain with Functional Restoration Programs

Treating Chronic Low Back Pain with Functional Restoration Programs

This article was originally published on Confronting Chronic Pain by Dr. Steven Richeimer, Director Pain Medicine Master and Certificate. Chronic low back pain is one of the most common pain conditions that keep people from working. Those who suffer from this type of...

Does Manual Therapy Massage Help Women with Fibromyalgia?

Does Manual Therapy Massage Help Women with Fibromyalgia?

This article was originally published on Confronting Chronic Pain by Dr. Steven Richeimer, Director Pain Medicine Master and Certificate. According to the National Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Association, there are 10 million people in America who have...

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