Pain Medicine

Researchers Find Sleep Quality Can Impact Chronic Pain Response

Researchers Find Sleep Quality Can Impact Chronic Pain Response

This article was originally published by Dr. Steven Richeimer on Confronting Chronic Pain. Most people would agree that if you get a good night’s sleep, you are likely better ready to take on challenges that come your way. Researchers set out to see if sleep quality...

Flexible Coping Strategies May Help with Chronic Pain & Depression

Flexible Coping Strategies May Help with Chronic Pain & Depression

This article was originally published on Confronting Chronic Pain. One of the most important things that those who have chronic pain can do is to learn about the many different coping strategies that exist. There are many to choose from, and there is science behind...

RGS4 Protein May Help Play a Role in Chronic Pain Maintenance

RGS4 Protein May Help Play a Role in Chronic Pain Maintenance

This article was originally published on Confronting Chronic Pain. Millions of people suffer from chronic pain around the country. It’s a condition that can be debilitating, keeping people from being able to enjoy the activities they love, as well as impacting their...

Why Patients with Chronic Pain Seek Chiropractic Care

Why Patients with Chronic Pain Seek Chiropractic Care

Many people who suffer from chronic pain seek the assistance of health professionals. While some turn to traditional medical doctors, others opt for chiropractic care. For many, the allure of chiropractic care is in the idea that they try to use alternative...

Reducing Fear in Individuals with Chronic Low Back Pain

Reducing Fear in Individuals with Chronic Low Back Pain

According to the National Institutes of Health, around 80 percent of adults experience low back pain at some point. There are many reasons that they can experience the low back pain. Most people only have the low back pain for a short period of time, ranging from days...

How to Diagnose and Manage Fibromyalgia

How to Diagnose and Manage Fibromyalgia

How many people have heard this, or a similarly disempowering conclusion from their doctors? “Your pain is all in your head” “I think you’re just depressed” “We’ve done all of the tests, there’s nothing wrong with you” For most people with fibromyalgia (FM), it takes...

New Treatments for Chronic Migraines are on the Horizon

New Treatments for Chronic Migraines are on the Horizon

Those who suffer from chronic migraines know all too well how debilitating the condition can be. Migraine headaches leave people in severe pain, often feeling nauseous and vomiting, and experiencing sensitivity to light and sound. It’s a condition that can leave...

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