Herman Ostrow School of DENTISTRY of USC
Online Dental Programs
Programs specifically designed for practicing professionals.
To learn more about applying, please submit the short student inquiry form below.
“We are training health professionals from around the globe, not only to treat the vast array of oral diseases, but to become exemplars of the kinds of character, scholarship, and leadership that mark the true oral health professional.”
– Dr. Glenn T. Clark, Associate Dean of Distance Learning and Telehealth
Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine
This program is a unique and innovative opportunity for practicing dentists who want to learn more about a wide variety of issues while focusing on Orofacial Pain, Oral Medicine and Sleep Disorders.
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Pain Medicine and Pain Science
This program is for practicing health professionals and non-clinicians from a wide variety of fields, including physicians, dentists, nurses, physical and occupational therapists, psychologists, pharmacists, business, public policy, law, social or natural sciences and more.
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Geriatric Dentistry
This program is a unique and innovative opportunity for practicing dentists who want to learn more on a wide variety of issues while focusing on the unique dental needs of older adult patients within the context of their medical, psycho-social and physical conditions.
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Oral Pathology and Radiology
The Certificate Program is a unique and innovative opportunity for practicing clinicians who want to gain experience in Oral Pathology and Radiology. This program teaches graduates the clinical and didactic skills necessary to evaluate and manage patients with oral diseases. It focuses on clinical, pathological, and radiological correlations as applied to clinical practice. CBCT technology and applications are the focus of radiological education.
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Global Public Health Responses to Oral Precancerous Lesions
13-Minute Listen Oral precancerous lesions represent a significant public health challenge worldwide. These conditions, which include leukoplakia, erythroplakia, and oral submucous fibrosis, oral lichen planus among others, serve as potential precursors to oral...
Adopting Innovation Initiatives
8-Minute Listen Expertise can teleport. Metaphorically speaking. Technology is, however, reshaping healthcare and education, enabling expert knowledge and services to reach anyone, anywhere. In today’s rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, synchronous telemedicine,...
Children’s Dental Health: A Lifelong Commitment to Oral Care
12-Minute Listen “It’s just a baby tooth. It will fall out, and a new one will grow in.” This common sentiment, heard from parents, caregivers, and even teachers, may seem harmless. However, it overlooks a crucial truth: good oral health, like overall health, begins...