A traditional return on investment ROI is a calculation of the net returns from an investment divided by the costs [1], and many students and practitioners rely on this calculation when deciding to pursue further education. Ultimately, ROI in (graduate oral health) education is not solely measured by financial earnings but rather by the transformative utility of knowledge [2]. It is important to understand how ROI might be conceptualized in this context. This blog will discuss how different views of ROI may yield different forms of returns and outcomes.
Conceptual Understanding for Illuminating Problems, Issues, and Solutions
One of the most powerful returns on education is conceptual understanding that allows individuals to grasp the underlying principles of instruction. In advanced educational programs, the rigor in instruction requires individuals to think critically about the causes and effects. This kind of conceptual clarity can be transformative for learning and professional outcomes. The process can change the trajectory of decision-making by identifying factors that either drive progress or hinder growth (personal or organizational). It’s a transformative trajectory. Transformative learning occurs when an event or perspective challenges a learner’s existing beliefs and assumptions, creating a disorienting dilemma. A reinterpretation is the transformation [2].
Like what you’re learning? Consider enrolling in the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC’s online, competency-based certificate or master’s program in Community Oral Health.
The Value in Rigor
Unlike passive forms of learning, rigor combined with active engagement helps students retain knowledge over time and develop practical, transferable skills of detecting or seeing opportunities as they arise in clinical and non-clinical settings. The rigor in instruction, research, discussions, and problem-solving exercises builds skills and mental frameworks necessary for deeper, long-lasting understanding and predictive analysis. Therefore, equating education ROI with financial returns alone may overlook holistic, intangible benefits, such as enhanced self-awareness, professional growth, and the ability to identify areas for meaningful impact.
Further Returns, Potential Impact
As the volume of information about health and disease grows exponentially, the importance of advancing education becomes increasingly vital and has the potential to inspire deeper compassion [3]. Heightened empathy allows individuals to connect more profoundly with others, enhancing their ability to make meaningful impacts while finding greater purpose in their careers. Education’s ROI is not confined to a linear path of salary increases or job titles. Moreover, returns can create alignment with personal values and aspirations.
Advancing education is a powerful step toward taking control of learning outcomes and making an impact in the lives of those we help. And, calculating all types of returns (on educational investment) remains valid [4].
Mini Exercise: Reflect on the ROI scale below. Consider the ROI with a *traditional calculation and then with a different view of the ROI discussed in the blog. Where might your risk tolerance balance with professional goals? [5].

Advancing Education for ROI Making an Impact
Figure 1. Reciprocal ROI
Earn an Online Postgraduate Degree in Community Oral Health
Do you like learning about a variety of issues while focused on the unique needs of community health dental programs? Consider enrolling in the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC’s online, competency-based certificate or master’s program in Community Oral Health.
[1] S. Nikpay, Z. Zhang, and P. Karaca-Mandic, “Return on investments in social determinants of health interventions: what is the evidence?,” Health affairs scholar, vol. 2, no. 9, pp. qxae114-, 2024, doi: 10.1093/haschl/qxae114.
[2] H. L. Stuckey, M. Peyrot, R. Conway, and E. W. Taylor, “A conceptual validation of transformative learning theory,” Social science quarterly, vol. 103, no. 6, pp. 1459–1474, 2022, doi: 10.1111/ssqu.13205.
[3] R. Snyderman and T. Gyatso, “Compassion and Health Care: A Discussion With the Dalai Lama,” Academic medicine, vol. 94, no. 8, pp. 1068–1070, 2019, doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000002709.
[4] S. Thusini, T. Soukup, K. C. Chua, and C. Henderson, “How is return on investment from quality improvement programmes conceptualised by mental healthcare leaders and why: a qualitative study,” BMC health services research, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 1–1009, 2023, doi: 10.1186/s12913-023-09911-9.
[5] R. Dalio, Principles, New York: Simon and Schuster, hardcover edition [2017].