Dr. Steven H. Richeimer

Meditation Shows Promise in Helping those with Chronic Pain

Meditation Shows Promise in Helping those with Chronic Pain

Those unfamiliar with meditation may think of it as some new-age practice that they find confusing. Many people believe they can't meditate or that it's something only people from certain religions engage in. The truth is not even close to this, as more people learn...

Can Yoga Reduce Chronic Pain in Veterans with PTSD

Can Yoga Reduce Chronic Pain in Veterans with PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in veterans is an ongoing health concern that continues to be explored and researched. Many people are looking for ways to help reduce what those with the condition are going through, which often includes chronic pain. A new study...

Self Massage Can Help Ease Chronic Pain

Self Massage Can Help Ease Chronic Pain

There have been studies that show how massage therapy can help ease some chronic pain conditions. Many people are familiar with the benefits of getting a massage from a trained professional, but only some are familiar with doing self-massage and the benefits it can...

Measured Brain Activity Signals Chronic Pain Activity

Measured Brain Activity Signals Chronic Pain Activity

Up until now, those in the medical community have largely had to rely upon a patient's feedback when it comes to the details regarding chronic pain. The information they receive is subjective and potentially hampered if there are any communication limitations. There...

Blood Lead Levels and the Connection to Chronic Pain

Blood Lead Levels and the Connection to Chronic Pain

Most know that things like lead pipes and paint in the home can be dangerous. This is because lead gets into our bodies, and it can have a damaging effect on everything from our nervous system to our immune system. Researchers set out to see if having higher blood...

Does Metformin Help With Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain?

Does Metformin Help With Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 37 million Americans have diabetes, with up to 95% of them having type 2 diabetes [1]. Many of them take the prescription drug metformin to help control the condition. Metformin has been found to have...

Adolescents With Chronic Pain May Benefit From Peer Support Group

Adolescents With Chronic Pain May Benefit From Peer Support Group

When people experience chronic pain it can make them feel isolated. They think others don't understand, and they are constantly having to try and explain the situation. Many adolescents who experience chronic pain feel like this, longing to interact with others their...

Can Physiotherapy Help Music Students With Chronic Pain?

Can Physiotherapy Help Music Students With Chronic Pain?

Most people enjoy listening to music. Little do they know that what brings them comfort often leads to chronic pain for the musician who created it. Musicians experiencing chronic pain is common, which led researchers to put physiotherapy to the test to see if it...

Considering Virtual Reality as a Chronic Pain Tool

Considering Virtual Reality as a Chronic Pain Tool

We are learning more about virtual reality (VR) in various areas of our lives, and now it's being considered for help with addressing pain. Those who suffer from chronic pain need all the tools they can get to try and find relief. The more tools they can turn to, the...

Pain Management is Different for People With a Certain Hair Color

Pain Management is Different for People With a Certain Hair Color

It's estimated that natural redheads make up around 2% of the world's population. When many people think of those with natural red hair, they picture someone who is quick-tempered and fiery in personality. What they may not realize is that their hair color plays a...

Does Childbirth Lead to Low Back Pain Later in Life?

Does Childbirth Lead to Low Back Pain Later in Life?

Many women suffer from low back pain, but they may not know how it all began. Some of the women know exactly where it started, starting with pregnancy and never going away. There is new research on how childbirth impacts low back pain later in life, which may surprise...

Guided Self-Help Programs for Chronic Pain Patients

Guided Self-Help Programs for Chronic Pain Patients

Millions of people suffer from chronic pain, which is the leading cause of disability in the country. To manage it and find some relief, they must have various tools at their disposal. The more empowered they feel to take action to help themselves, the better off they...

Virtual Reality May Help With Chronic Pain Management

Virtual Reality May Help With Chronic Pain Management

We know that millions of people love virtual reality, including being able to play games or take a virtual ride on a roller coaster. In recent years, technology has been explored for helping people who are experiencing pain. Several research studies have shown that it...

The Impact of Chronic Pain on Healthcare Workers

The Impact of Chronic Pain on Healthcare Workers

When we think about chronic pain, we tend to think about those outside the healthcare industry experiencing it while those in the industry help them manage it. We may not realize that healthcare workers may also experience chronic pain, which may impact their...

Does Sleep Deprivation Lead To More Chronic Pain?

Does Sleep Deprivation Lead To More Chronic Pain?

Sleep is vital to humans, and some consequences result if we go without it for too long. This leads some to wonder if not getting enough sleep impacts pain sensitivities and one's experience with chronic pain. Researchers set out to review the published studies on the...

Afraid To Exercise Due To Chronic Pain?

Afraid To Exercise Due To Chronic Pain?

Most people know that being active and exercising is good for one's health. Getting enough exercise has many benefits that help people feel good and live healthier lifestyles. Those who suffer from chronic pain they are afraid to exercise because they fear the session...

Integrative Therapies to Help Manage Chronic Pain

Integrative Therapies to Help Manage Chronic Pain

With millions of people suffering from chronic pain in the country, more attention is being put on what can be done to help manage it. While pharmaceuticals may have once been center stage, many people are seeking other ways they can help find pain relief, with the...

Does Pain in Childhood Predict Pain in Mid-Life?

Does Pain in Childhood Predict Pain in Mid-Life?

When it comes to chronic pain, the focus is often put on adults, but some children suffer from it as well. In fact, according to research published in the March 2021 issue of JAMA, it is estimated that between one-quarter and one-third of children may experience...

Artificial Intelligence May Be the Future of Chronic Pain Management

Artificial Intelligence May Be the Future of Chronic Pain Management

Artificial intelligence is becoming more common in many areas of our society. One area that we may start to see more of it is in the medical community, including when it comes to the management of chronic pain. Researchers recently put artificial intelligence to the...

The Fatty Acid that May Help Reduce Chronic Pain

The Fatty Acid that May Help Reduce Chronic Pain

When it comes to managing chronic pain, most people don't look to the end of their fork for help. Despite this, recent research suggests that maybe it's time to do just that. There are certain things we eat that can help our body naturally address chronic pain. Some...

The Role Music Can Play in Pain Management

The Role Music Can Play in Pain Management

Many people listen to music as a way of relaxing and improving their mood, among other motives. With that in mind, researchers have put music to the test to see if it can help with pain relief for those who experience chronic pain as well as acute pain. The results of...

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