Student Testimonials

“Because the professors’ knowledge is on practice and research, they are very knowledgeable and very supportive and I think I’m blessed that I met them.”
Pain Medicine and Pain Science
With this online program I had so much flexibility. If I wanted, I could go back and re-watch lectures as many times as I want, which was really a very big help.
Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine
“In my own dental practice I have been seeing more orofacial pain patients due to the fact that I’m spotting more conditions because of the knowledge I have.”
Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine
“Ostrow’s program is one of the only ones where you can honestly have the best of both worlds. You can work towards either a certificate or a master’s degree from a very reputable university without having to put your life on pause.
Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine
“This has changed my life tremendously because now I understand how to diagnose, I can give an indication to the proper treatment, and I can also do the therapy.”
Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine
The more I cared for older patients the more I realized that I really didn’t know as much as I needed to and that I needed to learn more and seek out more training in Geriatric Dentistry.
Geriatric Dentistry
“This program helped me to expand my horizons. I learned to approach each patient differently. To listen to not just their dental issues but to their overall issues as well.”
Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine
“I would recommend this program to anybody who has any number patients who are 65 and over. I did not just gain professionally but I gained discipline in my personal life as well.
Geriatric Dentistry
“I learned so much. It’s not only changed my life, but every single patient.”
Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine
“It’s changed my life because I am now looking at pain and patients in a whole new light.”
Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine


“All the cases that we discussed over the past three years – that was the heart and soul of this program for me.”
Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine
“It has made me a way better clinician…the way I look at patients, and the way I treat patients.”
Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine
In terms of flexibility and opportunity to continue our lives without too much interruption, this program is really unique. They provide a lot of support. The faculty are awesome and they do try to help us as much as they possibly can.
Community Oral Health

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