
Our specialty videos feature disciplinary topics related to our different programs. Our mission is to provide the best education through our innovative Online Programs specifically designed for the practicing professional. These Online Programs allow our students to maintain their professional practice while adding valuable, new knowledge and skills. You can learn more about how our students take advantage of this unique blend of online education and hands-on practice in our Student Testimonials section. Contact us and we will be happy to answer your questions and provide more information on our Educational Programs.

Community Health Planning
Hybrid-Online Competency Based Training
Neurogenic Based Oral and Facial Pains
Muscle Relaxants
Epidemiology of Oral Diseases in Older Adults
Introduction to General and Systemic Pathology
Customized Electronic Chart to Improve Teaching and Care in Orofacial Pain
Accuracy of Online Symptom Checker on Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine Disease
Virtual Patient System for Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine
Modifying UML Diagrams to Improve an Academic Program at USC
Geriatric Mobile Trailer Van and Impact on Student Education
Comprehensive Dental Treatment in Patient with Advanced AIDS
Comprehensive Dental Treatment in a Patient with Complex Systemic Medical Conditions
Prevalence of Opioids Usage in Older Adults Dental Population
Efficacy of Saliva Substitutes and Stimulants in the Treatment of Dry Mouth

Drug Use by Age and Gender in Geriatric Patients

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