Download Free Dentistry Checklists, eBooks, Brochures and More!
Take advantage of consolidated information about pain management, sleep disorders, oral medicine, radiology, and how to take better care of vulnerable populations.

Download the Clinical Skills Manual
This manual contains the protocols for the Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine Center at Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC. It is divided into two sections, one devoted to diagnosis and treatment of the most frequent conditions related to orofacial pain, and one with specific clinical skills required to treat patients with orofacial pain and oral diseases.

The Dentist’s Guide to Tooth Erosion, Attrition, Abrasion, and Abfraction
Learn how to diagnose, monitor, and treat different types of tooth wear including erosion, attrition, abrasion, and abfraction with this infographic based on Dr. Glenn Clark’s course on abnormal oral physiology and sensory disorders.

The Dentist’s Checklist to Diagnosing Vesicular Ulcerative Conditions
In this checklist you’ll learn to diagnose vesicular ulcerative conditions including:
- Herpes, Syphilis, Carcinomas, TUGSE Aphthous Stomatitis
- Pemphigus Vulgaris, Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid
- Histoplasmosis and Mucormycosis
- Erythema Multiforme and the EM-TEN Spectrum.

How to Conduct an Endo Ice Test
One of the criteria that is commonly used to “prove” irreversible pulpitis, or non-vital teeth, is the 10 seconds of lingering pain after cold testing a tooth.
Download this checklist to learn how to conduct an endo ice test!

Download a Digital Brochure
Get all of the important program information and course lists for each of our online postgraduate hybrid programs.
- Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine
- Oral Pathology and Radiology
- Geriatric Dentistry
- Community Oral Health
- Pain Medicine and Pain Science